
Finding the right words.

First, we start with establishing your corporate and communication strategies. Developing strong and coherent communications that will succeed in the long term begins with a solid strategic-conceptual foundation.

Böhni Communications can develop the right communications concept for your business – ideally in regular exchange with you and your team. A communications concept sets out, for example, how a campaign, event, or website should be designed so that your strategic communication goals can be achieved.

As part of a communications concept, the right tools and channels should be selected to reach your target group(s). In addition, it is essential to define the core message and identify the most appropriate ways to present the communicated content (text, visual, and/or audio elements). In addition, a communications concept should establish administrative parameters such as the assigning of responsibilities, schedules, budgets, and monitoring.

Böhni Communications offers you

  • the creation of a comprehensive communications concept based on your strategies;
  • analysis and critical assessments of existing communications concepts, if necessary,
    with subsequent revisions;
  • advice on individual aspects of the communications concept (e.g., target group analysis, proposed communication channels, etc.);
  • development of the Tone of Voice based on the existing communications concept;
  • development of a content strategy.

Previous works in this field

References follow.